Saturday, December 31, 2022

Starting a New Year

 Well it’s been 12 years since I really had time to post.  Since my last post I have gotten married, started a family, moved a couple of times.  Really just been doing a lot of other stuff that didn’t involve much painting.  Sitting here on the eve of a new year got me thinking about what I would like to accomplish with my pile of shame.

   I think putting it all down in writing will help me start to really tackle the pile of shame this year, not that anyone is reading this blog!  Oddly enough while my painting pretty much went by the wayside over the last 12 years my incessant collecting of miniatures I will probably never paint has kept chugging right along.  Seriously, kickstarter is the devil and basically the same as putting a crack dealer in every addiction house.  Here is to hoping they just stop making Zombicide games!

   So my first goal is simple, paint 400 miniatures this year.  My second goal is to accomplish this by tackling all the half finished projects I have sitting around the house.  I am planning on painting the following stuff this year:

Italian Hill Tribes by Aventine (90 miniatures)

Horus Heresy Iron Hands by Forgeworld (120 miniatures)

Warhammer 40k Celestial Lions (40 miniatures)

Warhammer Chaos Warriors (50 mjniatures)

SAGA Vikings by Wargames Foundry (60 miniatures)

The fellowship of the Ring by GW (9 minis and Bill the Pony)

And 30 other random miniatures to try and keep my going when I get bored of big projects!

1 comment:

  1. Starting up a family really consumes free time and hobby energy. I'm in the trenches right now with young children. I wish you the best with an ambitious 400! I imagine the iron hands could go fast with some well selected primer colour...
